Complete the Application for DSFP Certification.When you submit your certification application, you will be required to agree to the Terms and Conditions of CMSSA. This includes agreeing to abide by their existingCode of Ethics and Code of Conductas well as any future modifications they make. Moreover, there is anEthics Declarationportion which requests additional information so that the board can assess whether or not you are a suitable candidate for becoming a DIGITAL ASSET SUSTAINABILITY FINANCIAL PROFESSIONAL.
CMSSA Conducts a Background Check.We shall scrupulously analyze your answers on the Ethics Declaration, any regulatory disclosures obtainable, including databases such as FINRA's BrokerCheck and the SEC's Investment Adviser Public Database, plus public records.
CMSSA Applies the Fitness Standards.We will examine the findings of your background check and decide if you meet our stringent character and fitness criteria for DSFP certification.
The Crypto Mining and Staking Sustainability Association (CMSSA) is a leading trade association creating sustainability standards and educational certifications for the sustainable blockchain and finance industry.