For the best results on this exam, we suggest devoting a full month to rigorous study. Take one or two evenings each week and dedicate those nights to reading in your book for several hours and completing its review material. Answer all the questions offered in the reviews as well as taking practice exams from both online test sources and within your text. If you don't understand why an answer is incorrect, do further research into that topic area - it's essential for success. Be sure to also read up on domain topics if needed, tweaking this approach based on what works best with your learning habits. Check out this list of further tips:

  • Don't be disheartened by the size of the course materials in the book. Think about this as a journey and not an instant race; try to learn one section at a time so that you can master it before you move on. That way, when taking your exam for the certification, you will feel confident in all domains with no doubt whatsoever.

  • Create a goal for yourself and encourage your success by setting a realistic deadline to sit the exam.


  • It's important to understand that the exam isn't always based on real-world scenarios. Oftentimes, multiple answers can be right. The questions are posed in a way to identify the best answer though. To ensure you're adequately prepared for the test, take advantage of all of CMSSA's resources and practice tests.

  • Mastering your most effective learning style is essential, yet you should also add a few other techniques. Write while simultaneously reading and consuming the subjects through audio-visual means.

  • Embrace the areas where you are least experienced. Lean into these domains.

  • To ensure that you're fully prepared for the upcoming exam, make sure to get ample rest and maintain a healthy diet in the days leading up to it. These two steps are essential elements of success.

  • Treating the exam like a marathon, pacing yourself is essential. Don't be in a rush.

  • Begin your process by discerning the most credible answers from the red herrings. Once you have done that, move onto reading the question so that it can give you a better understanding of what needs to be answered. After this is complete, review all the answer choices once more and narrow down those two options that seem to stand out among them.

  • Focus on the present inquiry with conviction. Your assurance will be tested, and you may even face unexpected queries, some of which might not even count towards your grades as they are trials for future exams; but regardless, it's paramount that you give each query your best shot and then move forward—the only one that matters is the question at hand.


Crafting an effective exam approach involves the following components:

  • Mastering the exam. Grasping all of its components, knowledge areas, and layout will help you build a reasonable study routine that is sure to give you success on your test.

  • Create an achievable timeline that will give you enough time to learn and review the material pertinent to all of the primary subjects on your exam.

  • Construct an environment of encouragement. Locate a place to study without any disturbances. Also, communicate with your work and family members regarding the importance you attach to this period in order for them to offer assistance and comprehend your requirements during this season.

  • Practicing with exams is one of the most important elements to consider when studying for your exam. Utilizing practice tests and learning from simulated questions can significantly enhance your chances of success on the real test day.


  • Register and prepare for the exam
  • Qualify for your educational requirements
  • Qualify for the work experience requirements
  • Get access to study resources and candidate materials
  • Register for your test day to take your exam in person
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