The DSFP certification exam is a decisive assessment - it's pass or fail, and each question counts as 1 point. To be successful, you must score high across the examination.
As soon as you complete your exam, preliminary results will be delivered to you right away. Official scores will arrive by email in roughly 4 weeks after the administration closes. Even if you do not pass, a diagnostic report on every Domain Topic taken during the test is given to candidates with their relative strengths and weaknesses highlighted so that they can identify which areas require more attention when preparing for future exams.
CMSSA is unable to provide official exam results via any form of phone, SMS/text message, or fax transmission.
With just 10 business days after the exam window closes, CMSSA makes sure to review all issues raised by examinees and investigate any major test delivery problems. If you have experienced an issue with your exam that needs further investigation, don't hesitate to
contact us immediately.